George has composed and arranged music for Trinity College graded drum kit exams since 2007. He arranged the drum music for Trinity’s Rock & Pop syllabuses of 2012 and 2018 and also the graded songbook series of books for Faber Music. He worked as an examiner for the Guildhall School Of Music And Drama and then Trinity College London between 2002 and 2016.
His beginner’s book Introducing Drum Kit is published by Trinity and has sold 30,000 copies worldwide. Read a review for Introducing Drum Kit from Drummer magazine below. Promo video here Introducing Drum Kit 2 was published in 2019 and volume 3 was released in April 2021
The exam, repertoire and teaching books are available from all good music shops and online retailers.
He is also a contributor to The New Grove Dictionary Of Music; his articles on Steely Dan, Blood, Sweat And Tears and drummer Billy Cobham appear in the latest edition.